Cookies info

A cookie is a small text file (a few bytes) exchanged between a website and its browser and normally used by the website manager to memorize the information needed to improve navigation within the site.
The types of cookies that are used on this site:

Navigation cookies

These cookies allow the site to function properly. After creating the account, they allow you to log in and manage your profile in all its areas (session identifier cookies, timestamps). If you are a registered user, thanks to cookies the site will be able to recognize you as such when you access the services offered to registered users.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow the site to recognize you every time you access the site.
If you have chosen to add items to your cart and you will not delete them, closing the session without making the purchase, these cookies will allow you to receive emails with details of your cart and ad hoc promotional codes and also allow you to offer a better and personalized service, for example, it is generated if the user no longer wants to view the email capture popup, or if he has left a comment on the blog or on an article, or remember the vote for an article.

Analytical Cookies

These cookies are used by Google Analytics and by the internal search engine, to process statistical analyzes on how users navigate on the site through their computers, on the number of pages visited or the number of clicks made on a page while browsing the site, as well as demographic data reports (such as gender, age, and interests). They are used to collect data on how visitors (not just those who are registered) use the site and therefore allow us to improve its appearance and navigation.

Social Cookies

These cookies are used to remember any sharing or your action on the site (for example, a Like on an article)


Cookies can be disabled:
Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. However, most browsers allow you to control and even disable cookies through your browser settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause the site to malfunction and/or limit the service offered by this site.